Leachate Management

Developed, and with copyrights, by the Northern Lights Chapter of SWANA. 

Course overview: This one-day educational course is designed to assist landfill managers, operators, consultants and engineers, in better understanding the challenges and impacts of landfill leachate.
The course is a comprehensive look at the management of leachate from production to collection and storage to treatment including design and operation of landfills.   Participants in this course will also examine the complex combination of physical, chemical, and microbial processes that creates this toxic mix; discuss minimizing and mitigating leachate outbreaks; and, look at various treatment options.


  • Describe the general properties of leachate and how leachate is formed and altered over the lifetime of the landfill.
  • Understand the importance of landfill design, construction, and operation on leachate production and collection and control.
  • Understand the regulatory requirements for leachate management, including monitoring, recordkeeping, reporting, and releases to the environment.
  • Define the maximum acceptable leachate head, and describe how to monitor leachate head and the effects of extreme precipitation events.
  • Understand the requirements for leachate monitoring at a landfill, including sampling locations and frequency, and leachate analysis.
  • Describe methods to minimize and remediate the occurrence of leachate outbreaks.
  • Understand options for on-site and off-site treatment, pre-treatment, and final treatment.
  • Understand hazards associated with leachate and leachate collection and treatment systems and the appropriate safety precautions.

Check back often for upcoming new dates and locations or contact the Chapter office to arrange for a Seminar in your area. Office@swanaontario.org.